Woman the excitation of one of the most mysterious phenomena. Restless, the look, the longing of the whole body, increase the breathing - all these signs indicate that the woman experiences the desire. The good and the quality of the excitation ensures that the splendid night for a couple, as well as to obtain the maximum enjoyment from the intimate connection. But unfortunately, not all men know what excites a woman better. Let's try to understand this topic.

In that the sexual difference, of the arousal of the woman of the attraction?
Down the street is going spectacular girl in a little skirt and short high heels, which highlighted her shapely long legs. Облегающая mike assigns a slim waist and a chest that is beautiful and bright, but do not leave make-up creates a look hishchnitsy. Attention to one out of every two men will focus on the beauty.
However, the woman to bring up the sexual desire, need it the most. Rarely is such, that the girl, looking at the boy, возбудилась. In some cases, the tender hugs, or passionate kisses will serve as an ideal tool for the arousal of the woman. In other situations, the girls, the desire for intimacy appears only after direct fondling of the clitoris, the breast and the thighs. And are those ladies that appear that only the conversation about sex.
All representatives of the beautiful sex of an individual. Enjoy the one you love, would be totally unacceptable to the other. But, however, based on the knowledge of feminine psychology, as well as the physiology, there are some tips that will help you get sexualem of the arousal of the girl.
A strong man attracts women
Just remember the context of the worldview of our ancestors, and everything becomes immediately clear. What man enjoyed a special popularity in women than in primitive times? That was the strongest: he killed no one else in the hunt, he could fight and survive in the duel, as well as the chief of the tribe. The power always drew to itself the female sex.
In our time, nothing has changed. The woman wants to feel next to a strong man, of being as by a wall of stone. If the man has no атлетическим and muscular physique, then it is not worth to put on him the cross. Physical data well will replace the inner strength, expressed in the confidence and firmness of character. The girl is nice to see a man confident, that it will become for her in the present backing and support.

Actuators of the compliments and sincere words of admiration allow you to position yourself almost any girl
Men love through the eyes, and women ears. To excite a girl, it is sufficient to express your enthusiasm for his appearance (dress, hairstyle). Words of admiration should be sincere and not tense, come from the heart. A woman who heard a eulogy at his side, with a greater likelihood of wanting to continue communication.
Very well the sound of praise for the appearance, manicure, makeup and hairstyles. The majority of the representatives of the beautiful sex are carefully assembled to свиданию: made clock in the bathroom or visit a beauty salon should not go unnoticed man.
Also a good remedy for the excitation of the woman to be a compliment on her nice smile, easy of character, ease of communication and other qualities of this girl.
Few guys know and take advantage of the fact that the woman excites the best male voice: solid and quiet, with a little hoarse. It is worth saying a few compliments as quiet and romantic voice directly in the hole of the girl, as at once to appear the first signs of arousal female.
To gain the confidence of the elected
For men sex is purely physiological need. The women refer to the sexual intimacy of another mode. For them sex is a way of expressing their emotions, recognize the partner more close to getting mental the download. That is why it is very important to make sure that the girl completely trusted your partner and not ties, because otherwise you will not be able to relax and get the maximum pleasure of making love.
How to get the confidence of milady -? It is quite simple. Light and informal conversation, a couple of sincere compliments, soft seconds of play расслабят to the girl. You should ask questions of a personal nature (but not перегибать stick): what you like to eat, what to prefer the music, literature or film), what qualities it values in people (men), and so on.
The woman should feel comfortable, and this kinds of questions and topics for discussion will help to see man as a soul mate.
If the relationship has already passed the stage of knowledge and ухаживаний, in this case, to achieve female arousal help you to talk about sex. The sexual history, narrated in a silent mode бархатистым voice directly into the ear of the companion, don't expect much from the results.

A romantic dinner by candlelight
It is important to create the right conditions for the excitation of the woman. In a quiet environment, a romantic dinner candle light music as a backdrop, you can help the child to relax and enjoy the pleasure of sharing a hobby.
To achieve the greatest effect should be at the time of a dinner in the light of the candles, talk about compliments, accompanying gentle to the skin. Almost always, that night, unequivocally ends the intimacy of the partners.
That excite the touch and other actions done to the girls
Not afraid of touching the lady, even on the first date. The corporal punishment of the contacts must be ненавязчивыми, soft and short: delete ресницу with the eyes, with the tenderness of a hug when you enter the cinema or to a restaurant ephemeral touch of the hand, repair effodisset hairstyles curls of the hair. Some men do not perceive that these actions seriously. And in vain. Ultimately, they play an important role.
Kisses on the neck and the neckline
If the couple relationship are more serious, in this case, and the action must be trustworthy and frank. For nobody is a secret that many women love the kisses on the neck and the neckline, and a passionate kiss on the lips carries as the representatives of the male and female.
When a kiss on the neck, it should begin with caresses on the lips around the ring of the girl, slowly moving down. By the degree of response partnershi kissing can become more passionate and impulsive. However, we should not rush to put "засос" in the neck partnershi, since such an act can be perceived in an extremely negative.
After the kisses on the neck, alternating with kisses on the lips, you can go to the area of the neckline. From right or left of the collarbone, descending slowly down. The chest worthy of a caress, warm and soft hands. One of the sensitive points of a woman's arousal - her nipples.
The caress of the breasts with the hands or the tongue, very strong that are made to the representatives of the beautiful sex. Kissing the nipples, you must be careful, as the slightest bite of the teeth can deliver partnershi the pain and discomfort.
The caress of the hips and the clitoris
Paste to the wall, hugging her forcefully by the hips, start to kiss, and hand in hand run into the panties of the girl - this approach is accomplished with the mind of the women who would prefer initiatives and strong men.
Classic of the same caress from the bottom of the body of the girls assume the rubbing of the clitoris, its пощипывание and Swedish. However, prior to indulging in this lesson, you should be sure of whether it is acceptable is for a couple or not. Some young people with joy allow you to caress the clitoris with the hand, while others - would be against. Therefore, you must first perform a little analysis of the nature of the girl, his education, and his vision of the world, or ask them directly.
If you caress the clitoris, is to start gently and with care, putting a hot hand between the thighs, in a few seconds, and after remove. Observe the reaction of the chosen, you can repeat this persistent action in заветном place for more time. Sexual arousal and help you achieve a tender, but safe, in circular motions, easy пощипывание the clitoris. Are also possible the caresses of the tongue and is very prudent покусывания the clitoris. This must be done with great care not to deliver the woman unpleasant sensations or pain.

What to do if it fails to excite the girl?
In the world of today, women often suffer from stress at work, in family or in any other sphere of life. Daily life in constant stress lead to lack of sexual desire. In these cases, it's worth trying relax избранницу a relaxing massage or an aromatic bath. Well will help to massage the soles of the feet.
Another cause of the lack of arousal women is their menstrual cycle. The girl more often experience sexual arousal during ovulation, because at this point there is a great possibility of the appearance of pregnancy, as well as in the level high are your hormones. A woman's arousal is much more difficult to achieve at the end of the menstrual cycle. This is connected with mood changes, aches and pains in the lower part of the abdomen.
In short: how to excite a woman
For the excitation of the chosen, you must follow a few simple tips:
- behave with confidence and perseverance, but to feel the action;
- talk to the girl sincere congratulations, placement in your home for a conversation;
- discreetly to touch;
- creating the right conditions for the excitation of the woman;
- kisses and caresses the body partnershi closer desired.